Hurricane Valley is fast becoming the go to destination for Off Road Enthusiasts of all stripes. Sand
Hollow State Park combines the best of Rock Crawling, Sand Dunes, and Stunning Views, with its close
proximity to town and to Sand Hollow Resovior to cool off in after a long day in the sun. Or if you want
to get away from it all there are hundreds of miles of dirt roads and BLM land to explore for days on
end, and truly experience the grandeur of the American Southwest. There are many outfitters eager to
take you out to the best spots or provide you with gear and information.

Southern Utah Adventure Company
Chances are this is your vacation and we understand that. Our motto is “This is your vacation, not ours” so we go old school when it comes to customer service, we are here to serve you and ensure you have a positive memorable experience. We’ve been in the rental and touring business for over thirteen years but it isn’t just experience that makes us good, we’re passionate about what we do.
Our shop is conveniently located in downtown Hurricane, Utah, where you can access hundreds of miles of trails on Sand Mountain, Warner Valley, the Honeymoon Trail, Gooseberry, Little Creek Mesa, The Canaan Gap by driving right from our shop. Actually the list of riding areas is endless but we know most of them well enough to ensure you see what you want.
Coral Pink Sand Dunes, The Yellowjacket Trail, Pahrunaweap Canyon, Red Cliffs, and Toquerville Falls all of which are nearby and can be accessed by trailering (we rent trailers) or delivering the equipment for you.
Our staff is very experienced and enthusiastic with a goal to create a safe and enjoyable experience for our customers.
2ND Tuesday monthLY
3:00 PM
La Verkin City Offices
Encourage visitors in the Hurricane Valley to extend their stay through education of the many activities, events, and options available outside Zion National Park and promoting Hurricane Valley as the place to “Stay & Play”.